Consolidate your debt by transferring your high-rate credit card and/or loan balances to a Waterfront Classic Visa Credit Card.
Enjoy NO balance transfer fees, NO annual fees, and NO over-limit fees!
Learn more about our Credit Cards
Terms and Conditions:
Transferring balances: Waterfront Credit Union does not charge a balance transfer fee. Available to new and existing cardholders on Classic Waterfront Visa credit cards. Balance transfer cannot be used to pay off another Waterfront loan or Waterfront VISA Credit Card. Please allow 2-3 weeks to process your balance transfer. Continue to make your payment on these accounts until the payment for the transferred amount appears on your issuers statement. Waterfront Credit Union is not responsible for late payments on your other issuers account. We are not able to close your other accounts even if you transfer the entire balance. If you want to close your account, you will need to contact the issuer directly. Balances can only be transferred up to your established limit, to increase your limit contact us today!
Right to Decline: Under certain circumstances (for example, if your account is past due or over limit, or if we reasonably believe you will be unable to or unwilling to repay the balance, or as described in your Cardholder Agreement), we may decline to process your transaction.
Cardholder Agreement: For further details about the terms or conditions on your account, please refer to your loan documents.
* - Indicates required field
Add another credit card or loan
If you have more than four balance transfers you would like to make, please submit your form and contact the credit union.